Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom
A classic throwback to 90’s Platformers. Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is a fantasticly fun and bouncy game.
How did we help?
Grew Wishlists from 7K to over 40K in less than 6 months.
Connected with Influencers with over 1.6M followers.
Worked with Developers to introduce special Social related content.
Worked with Community Members to get the game into Summer Games Done Quick.
Valley Peaks
The Mountains are calling in this cozy froggy climbing simulation!
How did we help?
Created and implemented a creative calender for posts and video production.
Worked with Developers to overhaul/alter the gameplays story and accessibility.
Created an indepth database for Influencer and Press reachout.
Production Attic
Production Attic specialise in high-end visual communications, video and photography content.
How did we help?
Created and implemented a creative calender for social posts
Created a weekly blog series, highlighting the unique parts of the company
Built multiple subbrands focusing on accessibility, outreach, and corporate video.